Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Buddy!

Yep, He will always be my Buddy, this man of mine... this man that God gave to me as a gift. I mean, really, the chances of the two of us meeting must have been one in a kazillion considering I came from an Air Force Family and he was raised down here on the farm.  I admit it...I haven't always appreciated him the way I should, but I have always loved him.  I am blessed to celebrate another St. Patrick's Day Birthday with the man that I am growing old with...  We went to Red Lobster content to just sit and talk. We weren't in any hurry to get anywhere so we barely noticed that it was taking a long time for our food to come. Okay, Marlin told me later that he noticed, but didn't care.  I, on the other hand,was oblivous. The funny thing is that the waitress forgot to put our order in so we ended up getting our entire dinner FOR FREE and they even gave us two coupons for $5 off the next time we came! Now wasn't that a pleasant surprise?


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