Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Wild Child

This is one of my favorite early family pictures.  Ben looks like the little boy in the book, "The Wild Child" by Barbro Lindgren. I bought it for him about the time this picture was taken.  Having been born into a family of two girls, the birth of a male child was a shock to my system.  Ben was a very active child and I had to stay on top of it every minute of the day just like the mother in this book.

31 years later, I still have this precious book memorized: Mama loved her baby Ben, her small and precious child,but he always disobeyed her, he was reckless, loud and wild....

It was an all-time favorite and a merry testament to a mother's love. Most of the things in this book were true except the part about disobeying.  Ben was a very obedient child.  He was just strong willed and active...but come to think of it...so was I!

I loved you then Ben...and I love you now!  Happy Birthday to my number One Wild Child!!!

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