Friday, August 26, 2011

Dancing Silhouettes

When I was in 7th and 8th grade, I lived in Guam.  I was involved in a Silhouette Group each Christmas that told the story of Jesus Birth.  It was alot like this except that we acted out the parts instead of dancing them.  This was during the time of the Vietnam War (68-70) and Guam had a huge Navy Hospital where wounded soldiers came for surgery and recovery.  We would put on shows for the wounded soldiers that were well enough to be wheeled down to the auditorium in the hospital to watch the show.  Afterwards, we would go out and visit with them bringing them a slice of home into their lives.  I don't think I realized back then what a good thing it was for these soldiers, but they were always very appreciative and many had tears in their eyes. War became up close and personal to me for the first time even though I had been raised all of my life in a military family. I wonder if there are groups like this preforming for soldiers in Afganistan and Iraq?  I surely hope so...

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