My day started out in the kitchen. My contribution was pie and sausage dressing. Among my 3 pies was a sugar cream pie...something no one had tried or heard of... We went to Ann Marie & Brian's for our Thanksgiving Feast. We didn't have to be there until 4 PM so that gave me plenty of time to complete my tasks. I also made chili for lunch so I could freeze containers for my folks for later meals.
In the back of my mind I had planned on going through my mother's cubbord's and getting rid of things she no longer needs before I came on this trip. It makes sense to me that if she has fewer choices, things would be less confusing for her. She says she still cooks and acts offended when people make comments about her not cooking. She certainly putters around the kitchen, but she really doesn't do anything except move things around. When we returned home tonight, there were several lights on in the house. My dad unlocked the door as he made a comment about someone being in the house. As my mother was getting out of the car, she said, "Welcome to our 2nd Home!" I asked her where her first home was and of course, she said it was in Ogallala. My mom got a strange look on her face after my dad made his comment, and without thinking, I said, "Maybe that lady has come back from the south and wants her house back." Of course, I had forgotten about the tupperware being on the table and countertop. Big mistake on my part. My mom thought someone had come into the house and was going to make us leave. Rule#1 in Dementia: Don't kid around. They think you are serious.
My dad came into the kitchen and was egging my mom on, and I said, "Mom, he is just kidding." Here he is comforting her. He didn't get that she was bothered by our comments. I had to explain that to him.
When we were getting ready for bed (well, my folks were...I was still in the kitchen working on the tupperware because I didn't want my mom to be freaked out in the morning when she awoke to find everything still on the table), my mom asked me which bedroom I wanted and I said this one (meaning mine). She changed into her nightgown and then came back into the kitchen and said, "I fixed a room for you. Would you like to see it?" She said that "they" left a bunch of stuff in it, but she did her best to clean it up. She had piled my dirty clothes on top of the extra pillows, and stuck my shoes in the TV stand. When I went to get my pajama pants, I couldn't find them anywhere. I finally noticed that the dresser drawer was slightly ajar. When I pulled it out, there were several items that I knew I was missing, but I found a host of others that I didn't know were gone as well. I guess I'd better be doing a full room check tomorrow...
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