Each time I talk with my momma, I feel a little bit more of her slipping away. This brave woman has overcome a lot in her lifetime surviving a brain tumor before I was born... yet, she was able to bring me into this world, and provide so much love and care along the way. Simply put, she was always there for me.
There are two kinds of "letting go" as I see it in Motherhood. There is the letting go of your children when they make their way out into the world on their own, and there is the letting go of your momma when she steps through the veil into the arms of Christ. Each is hard in its own regard, but this in between where you watch the mind of this caring woman deteriorate with each passing day is hard to take...simply heartbreaking. I want to do more, but realize that I am helpless in so many ways.
I'm thankful for the years that I have had because they almost didn't happen. I'm thankful for the momma who took me to church throughout my childhood, and encouraged me to live a Godly life, and prayed for me without abandon. Today, and everyday, I honor you Momma, and thank God that he placed me in your arms at the very beginning. Lately,I've been listening to Christa Wells a lot. Her songs speak the words that I wish I could say.... This song is for you momma.... http://youtu.be/zbFhudL4-wQ