The evening started out with a visit from my favorite little Bat...BatDaylen! We discovered that he loves Sour Patch Kids. Emilie bought the Batman outfit for Daylen for his birthday. Daylen walked right in the back door, and said "Trick er Tweet". Mallory said he cried at home when they first put on his costume. She has the funniest picture on her camera, but he was fine by the time he got to my house. Poppie came home just in time to see him before they had to leave.

Emilie showed up not long after that with some of the girls in her charge as RA of "Eastside" for a Halloween Sleep Over. The girls started off with a fashion show of old clothes and costumes that Emilie has used over the years, then ran around in the dark playing Flashlight Hide and Go Seek while I made caramel corn in the house. When they tired of that, they came in and watched movies.

Joe and Mallory stopped by on their way to a Halloween Party. Joe figured this would be a great year to dress up like a Zombie Stock Market Broker since everyone is out to get them. Mallory went as a Zombie Cheerleader.
For more pics, make sure you check out the following link: