Friday Night Live (FNL) Fall 2008 was this past weekend. Emilie was picked as a member of the cast for this year. The whole program was a hoot from beginning to end. Marlin even had his "Mutley" laugh going. I will try to attach the video when it is posted on youtube.

Emilie was a young Sarah Palin on the playground and a saloon girl in the Musical Western skit.

Here she played the grown up version of Sarah Palin. She did a great job right down to the wink and the wave. The guy standing next to her was George Bush. All of the students that played the various political figures did such a great job with mannerisms and accents.
This was actually the opener which was "You can't stop the Beat!" from the musical "Hairspray". The really cool thing about FNL is that the students don't start practicing the live skits until the Sunday before the preformance and they all did such a wonderful job!

More pictures can be found at: